In conjunction with the Sodium paparazzi [aka Wade & Dan] I am going to start posting action shots along with the editorial. I am going to try to balance it out where I get forwards, mids and defense. If I don't get everyone please be patient, this is a work in progress and I will try to get everyone in. Thanks and with that, I post the following;

Katherine Kramer ripping the net against Arsenal! A 17 2/3 yard shot!

The result of a perfect Lexi Frey corner kick! GOOAALL!

Marisa Reid puts the finishing touches on an outstanding break-a-way!

Elianna Beard heads the ball past the FC goalie for a 2-0 Sodium lead!
My apologies go to MAC Kearney who scored the final goal against FC Saturday. We'll get you next time! Keep up the great hustle!
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