Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lights Out!

Today is the day lady warriors, we face our biggest rival LOSC. It's time we went into their house and took one from them.
I know the defense will be fired up. Taylor Coon knows she needs to stop their center forward. One-on-one, body-on-body. You think she's fired up knowing Lexi and Erika have her back? She already has her uniform on.
It's time we bring it up a notch. Mids need to win one more 50/50, forwards need to take one more shot, or sprint to goal one step faster.
We can't let LOSC think they can beat or tie us every time. It's time Sodium earned some respect. This rivalry has been cultivating for years, it didn't just start in 2007 and it didn't just start with soccer. But today, in a few short hours, it's time put their Lights Out! I'm talking about giving it one more than you thought you could. Run a little faster chasing a ball, giving just a little more to stop a LOSC player from getting around you. Throwing the ball a little further on the throw in. No reserves today lady warriors, nothing left, 100%, it's time we take one from Extreme. Sodium, you can beat any team in our league. You've proved it to us, your loyal fans, to the rest of the teams in league, and now, today, it's time we prove it to LOSC. It's time to show them what the new Sodium Style is all about. The time is now to rise up and kick a little Extreme booty, to take one from them in their own house. This game today is for sole possession of FIRST PLACE in the Premier Gold Division. Let's knock LOSC out of that spot today!

Your back lady warriors, BACK IN BLACK! Who's going to be the hero's today? The defense? The 180's? The Mids? It's all for one and one for all today Sodium!

If it is to be, it's up to me.

From the fancy schmansy Lakeridge Stadium the Sodium faithful scream: GO SODIUM!

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