Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fall League is upon us!

Sodium opens the fall league this Sunday against Keizer Hotshots at 10:30AM @ REC #1.
Sodium hasn't seen Keizer since the semi finals of last years State Cup. Playing on turf has always favored the lady warriors but this year they haven't played a game on turf since, well, forever!

After a little rest since the Chinook Cup and a holiday weekend, Sodium is back on the practice field hot & heavy this week getting back into game shape.

The defense will have their work cut out for them because because Keizer is big and always plays a physical game. Their style is more of a "boot-ball" game where they send the ball towards the goal in hopes their forwards can run it down. Didn't work last year, probably won't work this year but they have beat some good teams. Either way, we'll be there screaming for our sodium!!

From the stands we'll yell: GO SODIUM!

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