Sunday, November 16, 2008

Some interesting thoughts...

As I watched the game Saturday I was repeatedly asking myself; "What's going on? How come we're not attacking the ball? Where is our controlled ball movement? How come we're not getting in front of the ball when their player is winding up to let it fly?"
Yes, they have a very good keeper. Yes, we have had better officiating. Yes, their style of play challenges our controlled style. But, given all that, we were still standing around, watching the other team kick the long-ball, not getting in front of their players, not winning any 50/50's, not hustling to the ball.
Was there some sort of lack of communication? Did we not realize that this was the Semi-Finals? Was everyone thinking about the upcoming basketball or indoor season and not the task at hand? I know a couple defensive players who were in tears after the game. [and the ride home, and at home] They had given it there all, 100% to keep the forwards in check all game. Physical, body-on-body, elbows knees, cleats, you name it. And after the game when some of their teammates were going; "oooh, look at the pretty metals, can we wear them? These are cool." It was just too much for them to handle. Third place, lady warriors. THIRD PLACE. These aren't medallions to be worn proudly. To your defensive players these are reminders of a game lost. A reminder of us resorting to boot-ball instead of our normal controlled game. A reminder of teammates not 'wanting it' bad enough to give 100%. A reminder that we, Sodium, should have been playing Sunday in the Finals, the Championship game. Not something a Sodium player wears proudly.
Tom said after the game that it looked like 3/4 of the team just didn't care. Unfortunately, your loyal fans agree. The other 1/4 of the team agrees. Can you spot the players who played hard, made the sacrifices, gave it their best shots? What about those who didn't? Can you recall not running as hard as you could have? Not being first to the ball? Not making a shot, winning a 50/50 or stopping the ball? We on sidelines can. Those on the bench can. Your coach can. Think about it. When you play on a team of this caliber, with this talent, everyone can see who is giving 100% and who is not. It is obvious and stands out. So don't ever think you can coast through a practice or a game. We all know.
You are probably saying;"He wasn't out on the field, he doesn't know what it was like." Correct, I wasn't. But yes, I do know what it's like. The reason I am saying this is because I have seen you all play together and do great things. I know what you are capable of if you work together. I have seen you accomplish the impossible. That is why I can point out these things. I know what is in you and what you are capable of. And when we on the sidelines watch games like we did Saturday, it makes us scratch our heads and wonder; "What happened?"
Sodium the harsh reality is this, if we play the way we did against Eugene and Keizer in the Surf Cup, it's going to be a short, embarrassing, deflating trip. I have the scouting reports of our opposition in the Surf Cup and they are TOUGH!
We have what it takes to compete. We have the talent to win, to win a lot! It's come down to dedication. To your teammates, to your coach, to your sport. You are players who know how to win. That is evident by the number of State Championships. You are the team that everyone either wants to play for, or beat. You are the team that threatens everyone in the league because you can defeat any one of them if everyone gives 100%. Pretty simple if you think about.
We need to keep focused on something Tom said right at the beginning of the season; "Everything we do, this moment on, is to prepare us for State Cup." So lady warriors I challenge you to think about that when you walk off the field. Did you do something on the field today that prepared you to win at State Cup? Did you get a little better today? Did you give 100%? Did you learn a new move or perfect a cut-off angle? Did you sprint 10 feet past the end-line? Did you do extra crunches or give 100% in every drill? Did you give just one more?

Indoor season starts Monday. Let's play hard, score a load of goals and have a ton of fun. Practices & scrimmages prior to Surf Cup need 100% of your focus and effort. My next post will be a scouting report from Bailey & Beth on the teams we play.


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